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Hair loss is the health condition which is normally experienced by everyone once in a life. Hair loss sometimes cures itself due to some lifestyle changes but some times it leads to male pattern baldness or alopecia areata. In addition, hair loss condition can cause due to various factors, for example, poor nutrition, overstyling, smoking,  genetic factors, stress, hormonal changes, and certain types of medications or medical treatments. Moreover, many people have experienced this hair fall condition because of cheap hair products.
You may experience gradual hair thinning on the temple of your head, patchy bald spots, hair fall on certain body parts, and complete baldness.

How much hair fall is normal in both genders?
If we talk about average, an individual loses around 50 to 100 strand of hair every single day. In addition, an individual has 90,000 to 150,000 feathers or hair follicles on his head. We notice all these changes when we see more hair strand on our pillows, in comb, and shower. Moreover, you may experience more hair loss due to bad lifestyle habits or due to the habit of daily shampooing.

Reasons for Hair Loss

Hormone imbalance
Hormonal changes are normal in every person which can lead to many health conditions. In which hair loss is on peak and hormonal changes can cause due to pregnancy and some other reasons. In this way, you may experience temporary or permanent hair loss.
Deep stress and depression can also cause hair loss because these both conditions directly affect your hormone levels. You may experience hair thinning or patchy bald spots due to this condition. This condition can overcome due to the reduction of stress and depression, in this way, you can join some laughing club or yoga groups.
Medical reasons
If you have any type of health condition which can lead diabetes, PCOS in women, cancer, and thyroid problem. Additionally, cancer treatment such as chemotherapy can lead to hair loss because this therapy not only kills the harmful cells but also kill your healthy cells that are present in your body.
Genetic factors and poor nutrition
Poor nutrition is the major cause of hair loss because it affects your body and hormones too much. In addition, if your parents had this condition in their life then you are at greater risk of this condition. In this way, you should visit the doctor so that you can get the proper treatment of hair fall due to genetic reasons, which is additionally known as hereditary hair loss.
How to treat hair loss?
There are several ways to treat hair loss in both genders but the main hair loss treatment is a hair transplant. You can additionally treat your and lifestyle changes. Hair transplant surgery is of two types which gives you the best, natural looking, and permanent results. You must go with this treatment because this treatment does not have any side effect and totally secure. You should first talk to your primary care doctor than choose the hair transplantation method in order to treat your hair loss.

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