TAYCAL Geschrieben February 1, 2019 at 12:21 PM Melden Share Geschrieben February 1, 2019 at 12:21 PM Hey zusammen! Ich suche Lösungen, um die Kniebewegung nach Innen bei Squats zu vermeiden. Folgende Ursachen habe ich herausgefunden. Sind meine Gedanken dazu richtig? Kommt da noch was zu? - Zuviel Gewicht => geringeres Gewicht und Technik üben? - Quadrizeps zu schwach => Mehr Assistenzübungen wie Beinpresse? - Hüfte zu schwach "Core Strength" => ?? Ich habe keine X-Beine :) Danke für eure Antworten! Zitieren Link zu diesem Kommentar Auf anderen Seiten teilen More sharing options...
Robkay Geschrieben February 1, 2019 at 12:47 PM Melden Share Geschrieben February 1, 2019 at 12:47 PM Ohne Video kann man das so nicht beurteilen. Ist schon alleine wichtig zu sehen, wie stark das nach innen gehen der Knie ist. Zitieren PRs: Hatfield Squat 180kg x10 Kreuzheben (conventional + sumo): 1x200kg, 9x 170kg conventional Dips: +40kg mit ~90kg bw x20 KH Row: 50kg x12, 40kg x20 Link zu diesem Kommentar Auf anderen Seiten teilen More sharing options...
Gast Geschrieben February 1, 2019 at 03:28 PM Melden Share Geschrieben February 1, 2019 at 03:28 PM vor 18 Stunden schrieb TAYCAL: Ich suche Lösungen, um die Kniebewegung nach Innen bei Squats zu vermeiden. Schau hier in den Beitrag. Da findest du bspw. Nuckols Guide "How to Squat" und darin findest du auch deine Frage beantwortet. Zitat My knees are caving in. Is that bad? If so, how do I fix it? It largely depends how much they’re caving in. It’s not uncommon to see the knees “tick” in slightly as you’re coming up out of the hole. Many people, including a lot of high-level weightlifters, squat that way without issue. However, excessive knee caving should be avoided. How do you know it’s excessive? If it causes pain, it’s excessive. If you video your squat from the front and your knees tick in noticeably more than the squatters who intentionally let their knees tick in, it’s probably excessive. There are three simple things you can try out to correct this issue. Try bringing your stance in. For many people, their knees cave in because they’re trying to squat wider than their hips will allow, and narrowing their stance fixes the issue immediately. Try squatting with a band around your knees. This tactile cue will “remind” your hip abductors to push out against the band to keep your knees out. After squatting like this for a few weeks, the motor pattern should be ingrained well enough that you can squat without the band and your knees will “remember” to stay out without the tactile cue of the band. There’s a picture of this below. If neither of those things work, you can do dedicated abductor work to strengthen those muscles. My favorite exercise for this purpose is hip thrusts with a band around your knees. By combining active abduction with hip extension, this mimics what your hips do in the squat better than abductor isolation movements. Ein Blick in den Guide von Tate liefert folgende Antwort: Zitat If your knees buckle in. This leads back to the hips, glutes, and hip rotators. The first thing is to reassess the stance, making sure it passes the plumb line test. Next is to reinforce basic cues like "spread the floor" and determine if flexibility is where it should be. This can be a huge problem, so I'd reduce the training weight to a point where this won't happen and then reintroduce the loading as the weak points are overcome. Ansonsten... was Robkay schreibt. Zitieren Link zu diesem Kommentar Auf anderen Seiten teilen More sharing options...
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